My Fearless Learning Journey Using Detour Growth Mindset

Bonvic bundi
3 min readJul 8, 2019
shows how growth mindset enhances work

I can’t do it, I can’t learn this, it’s too hard, Come on, I’m not Mathematics guy, Programming is not my thing, I tried it and failed. These were my words before I started programming. I was soaked and drenched with the imposter syndrome
Before I started learning programming I used to view it from the perspective that it’s hard, first let us start with the updates you had to be updated every time to the logic part that you hard to do a lot of research. My friends would self-teach themselves how to code and I would avoid them since all they talked about was programming vocabularies which sounded like Greek terminologies. On my second semester in the first year, we had a programming unit which involved programming with C so I had no shortcut but to start learning how-to programming. At first, it was a struggle to me since I hated coding and I wasn’t understanding the syntax. I jumped into tutorials online, watching Youtube and also reading those big books from the library. After a month I got used to it and started interacting with my friends who were good in programming I found it fun.
Since I understood C, I decided to switch the languages to Python which I found easy and all my friends were praising it. I could code small projects using Python and integrate with front-end to form an app. I would freelance small projects from local clients and manage through, by that time used to hate other languages since they had complicated syntax compared to Python.
Later on, I was given a PHP challenge which I didn’t know but since I had the spirit to learn just took it to learn and actually it’s one of my best challenges I have ever done. Most of the programmers in this community I have been able to interact are always helping and they give you the motivation to learn.
From my brief experience, I can say that the growth mindset simply means having the mindset that your talents, skills or strength can be developed over time. It revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, talents, ability, and performance. And Fixed mindset is the opposite of growth mindset, that is by assuming that if you don’t know something you can’t make it a workout or it’s not your thing. Nobody is born a geek or knows everything it’s just working on your talent, ability or skill so that you can achieve your best. Mostly growth mindset is not centred about success and achievements but rather the process of making you achieve the success and you need just to keep on learning.
Since I changed my mindset to Growth mindset personally has made me lifetime learner since every day I’m eager to learn something new from people, internet and the environment around me. Mostly in this technology fast-evolving world, every day you have to learn new upcoming technology. We all have to accept at some point of life everyone has had a fixed mindset, and we didn’t know it’s called so. But we have to build it so as to achieve our best.
Your mindset is the view you adopt of yourself — whether your abilities and characteristics can change, or whether they are set in stone, the decision is all yours. As developers, designers or whatever tech field you belong too; Learning is something that never ends in your career, whatever you’re running from, whatever you want to learn, brace up, take your stance and decide to be Growth minded, only you can make this decision.

